Personnel Selection

The word selection derives from Latin selectio and means "choice". It thus represents the choice of the most fitting candidate to be introduced in a new organizational area.

All kinds of organizations have always had to deal with the selection of personnel; it isn't a recent acquisition of the managerial field. On the contrary, it is a necessity that every organized group of people has always felt and will always feel.

What's peculiar nowadays, is that we deal with the selection systematically; many organizations tend to set scientific methods to select their collaborators. Moreover, the development of a new managerial culture even in small companies, the growing difficulty in finding suitable personnel, and a strongly garantiste legal system, discourage organizations from dealing with the selecting process on their own.

The new complexity of the selecting process and the difficulty in rectifying possible mistakes lead many companies to delegate the selection to those who have the knowledge and competences that decrease the riskiness of the choice, and the unpredictability of the new collaborators' behavior.

Not everyone can perform a selection!

It is not an activity that can be improvised or performed intuitively. It is necessary to be able to count on the right knowledge in company organization, labor law, contract drafting and, most importantly, psychology.

It is fundamental to keep in mind that we deal with people who, as such, are different in their personal and professional experiences, and in their way of living and relating in different work environments. Without the competences to evaluate the person in its entirety, it's impossible to understand whether this person can be introduced successfully in a new organizational area.